What We Do:

Everything we do at The Blunt Space Inc. is to uplift marginalized voices within the arts. Whether it’s giving artists a platform to publish their work or providing opportunities to minorities, we aim to support artists and give them a safe space to be as blunt as they want.

Volunteering at The Blunt Space Be Like:

  • Marketing (e.g.: social media, promotions, graphic design, etc.)

  • Outreach (e.g.: talent scouting, volunteer recruitment, social networking, etc.)

  • Events (e.g.: open/closed mics, showcases, galleries, etc.)

  • Social Justice Initiatives (e.g.: advocacy journalism, news sourcing, organized assemblies, etc.)

  • Content Contribution (e.g.: consecutive contributors for various catalogs such as Serious Series and New Shit Wednesdays)



“Sometimes, me being the black girl in a majority white or non-black space has isolated me from doing things and saying things I felt were culturally me because of fear of resentment and judgment from other people. When I started going to Real Loud Shit Open Mic, I felt accepted and I felt nurtured when I viewed and performed around people who both looked like me and didn’t look like me. I knew then and there I wanted to be part of something like this for the long run.”

— Zhené R.

“It’s always fun when you’re around the creative staff when they come around. They are extremely helpful in any and every area there is to volunteer. Even when I struggled with some things, they were non-judgmental, caring, and made sure to help me every step of the way.”

— Shad J.


I love The Blunt Space because they are so REAL! They gave me an internship opportunity where I didn’t have to code switch. I was able to be my complete self. They pride themselves on letting artists be free and blunt with their work. To see that also play out within their Creative Staff made me realize that I can be myself in other spaces too.

— Daphmene P.

“When I first started volunteering for The Blunt Space, I was nervous and really shy. That didn’t last long because after getting to know their Creative Staff, it was easy for me to just start being myself. It felt good to be a part of something that not only prepared me for my career but also made me come out of my shell.”

— Jarell K.


So You Signin’ Up or

Are You Volunteerin’?

Okay But You Signing Up Tho Right?

We Said What We Said.

Gone’ Head & Sign That Form.