The Blunt Space Incorporated

The Blunt Space Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation and media hub for art, advocacy, and culture. We aim to be a safe haven and provide resources to marginalized voices within the arts. We started as a group of artists who felt unheard, unseen, and without a place to be our authentic selves. What began as a small passion project quickly expanded to not just a space for inclusion, but a movement that combats the exclusionary practices of the artistic world. A movement of diverse artistic narratives finally being seen. A movement of creative voices challenging the status quo that has failed them time and time again. A movement that includes you, her, him, they, and us. Thus, The Blunt Space was born, a space where marginalized artists can have their voices heard and stories celebrated!

Are you a non-profit art organization enriching our community and would like help in promoting and marketing your work for free? Then become a part of ARTS AXIS FLORIDA. You can join by filling out an organization form HERE